Saturday, February 14, 2009

What a month!

I feel like forever since I've got to post. But what a month it has been.

My mother passed away the end of January. She had been sick for a long time but you're never ready to let them go. I was with her holding her hand and got to tell her I loved her and though I miss her so much, I know she was ready. She had been in a lot of pain for quite some time and she was tired.......My father died two years ago and she had never really gotten over it. They had been married for 63 years. It's been hard to pick up the pieces and go on but sometimes you have to. I still don't think it's all sunk in yet. I wake up some mornings and still wonder if I dreamed it and then I realize it really happened. My mother was my best friend and before she got sick we did every thing together. I just hope that I can be half as good of a mother to Will as she was to me.

Two days after she died we got hit with a MAJOR ice storm and didn't have power for nearly two weeks. Let me tell you, you don't realize how much you depend on modern conviences til you don't have them anymore. I have always joked and said I wish we lived a much simpler life....I now take that back! We had no phones, water or electric and it was scary!!! You never think things can get that bad...but they can. Thankfully we got our power restored and we're still working on the clean-up. We lost several trees and our yard looks terrible but we were slowly but surely getting it back together. Then last week we had damage from strong winds. Some of the trees that had been damaged are now gone. My son's trampoline got blown away and we had some damage to the soffit on the house. It's been a rough month. I'm still trying to get back to some "normal" but it's hard.
I did actually go to an estate sale yesterday and get some really neat quilts and quilt tops. I just listed them on eBay so make sure to check them out. I got some more goodies that I am going to try to get listed next week.

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