Thursday, January 15, 2009

Quilts on eBay

Hello! I don't know about where you are but here in this little town of Cerulean, it's COLD, COLD, COLD. My thermo read "8" when I got up this morning. BURR!!!!!! I don't like this. Spring can't get here soon enough. I am so used to being outside...even when it's in the 40's I can handle it, but this I can't. And I have to have my "outside" fix everyday. Don't look like today I'm going to get much of it. It was too cold to go out and wait for the bus this morning. We had to watch for it out the window.

I've been sitting here this morning listing some really neat OLD quilts on eBay. These aren't mine but belong to a good friend of mine. Make sure to check them out. Especially if you like early antique quilts.

Won't be long now til Will is off the bus. Better get back to work.

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