Friday, January 1, 2010


I have been a horrible blogger.

I'm so ashamed.........I really am.

I can't believe it's been it's been over six months since I posted last.

I DID think about it alot......cross my heart.

When I was mowing our two acres this summer I thought of alot of interesting things I wanted to share....

When I was driving home on a Saturday morning with my Tahoe full of vintage finds from estate sale and garage sales I thought of how I was going to tell you how excited I got when I found a stack of feedsacks for 2.00.

When I was set up doing a show I should have been taken pictures of my booth and all my "treasures" but somehow it never happened. When I did think about it, all the best stuff was already gone and to my booth looked horrible.

Bottom line, I really do admire all of you out there who always find time to blog on a daily or even weekly basis.

I had such good intentions when I started this blog.

I didn't do too well.

BUT this year I'm going to try again....

And what a better way to start is on the first day of the New Year.

I hope I can find some really interesting and entertaining things to show you and tell you about.

I hope I do better than I did last year.
I am going to try.

Happy New Year !!!!

Hope it's great for everyone!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You have such a beautiful blog page, and a lovely well-stocked Etsy store! You are one of my favorites. I have not been a good blogger either. There's so many other things to do like shop, take pictures, and keep the stores stocked. Visit me sometime at my blog or Etsy. Blessings, Rosemary
