Saturday, March 21, 2009


Okay, the first time I passed by the aquarium I thought my big fancy golfish Max was dead. He was floating upside down....but it wasn't upside down dead....those of you who have had an aquarium and had a dead fish know what I mean. He was just upside down. I tapped on the side of the tank and he starting swimming just fine. Thank goodness he wasn't dead was all I could think! We've had this aquarium now for several years and haven't lost a fish in a while. The fish I have now have really gotten big from the time I purchased them because we bought the small "cheap" goldfish because we figured they would die (the first few we had in there did) so we wouldn't have a lot of money invested in them. But they have thrived and we really do enjoy watching them now. We bought the aquarium for our son Will. He has autism and LOVES fish. Loves to go to Petsmart and Wal Mart and "see fish".....but at home he doesn't show alot of interest in ours. Guess it's just not the same atmosphere.
Anyway, I decided to feed the fish and when I saw Max upside down he turned himself around and he swam up with the rest of them and was eating like normal. So..I went on with the days work. I was just thankful he wasn't dead and if he was eating that meant he wasn't sick. Didn't it? I came back through a little later on and the same thing. Upside down. This time I noticed he was having trouble staying toward the bottom of the tank. He tried to swim down but he just couldn't do it and stay there. When "hubby" got home I showed him the fish. He said "maybe he's constipated". Yeah then he tells me to go "google" it. So I did...and guess what HE WAS RIGHT!!! He was constipated. Swim bladder something or other...but from what I could read it wasn't fatal. The "fix" was to not to feed him for a few days and give him two thawed green peas minus the shells. We put him into a small aquarium and I gave him a couple of peas and no fish food and the next morning he was swimming fine again and no floating upside down.
We got a big laugh about it...and I was really happy things seem to be back to normal with Max but now I can tell everyone I had a constipated goldfish!

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