Thursday, January 15, 2009

Quilts on eBay

Hello! I don't know about where you are but here in this little town of Cerulean, it's COLD, COLD, COLD. My thermo read "8" when I got up this morning. BURR!!!!!! I don't like this. Spring can't get here soon enough. I am so used to being outside...even when it's in the 40's I can handle it, but this I can't. And I have to have my "outside" fix everyday. Don't look like today I'm going to get much of it. It was too cold to go out and wait for the bus this morning. We had to watch for it out the window.

I've been sitting here this morning listing some really neat OLD quilts on eBay. These aren't mine but belong to a good friend of mine. Make sure to check them out. Especially if you like early antique quilts.

Won't be long now til Will is off the bus. Better get back to work.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Hump Day!

The View From My Front Porch

Happy Hump Day!!! What a busy week it's been around here. I'm still so behind since Christmas and I'm still trying to get caught back up. It's hard to balance "normal" life and your "job" when you work out of your home. I have been trying to get a few things listed the past few days on Ebay and still haven't gotten anything new on Etsy. (I hope to soon) Thankfully today I had no errands that had to be run so I got some more pictures made and a few listings posted before Will got home from school. We are in for a "big freeze" the next few days so I got out on the front porch and made some pictures of before it got here.

Also here is the view from my front porch Monday morning (sorry I had forgot I had taken the pictures). It was the most amazing sunrise!!! The sky was just so red that it looked on fire and there was a heavy frost and the fog had froze on the trees and it was just an incredible sight.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Another Post Today

I posted pictures of the "Linen Studio" the other day AFTER we finished it but I found the before ones that I thought I would post. If you didn't see the other post check it out after looking at these. My wonderful "Handy-Man Hubby" Karl did a fabulous job (as always) on it. I don't think he liked the color I ended up painting it but he's more of a "beige" paint kind of guy. Believe me, since he's been married to me, he's been introduced to a wide world of color!!!! I promised when we started working on our house I never would paint a wall white and so far I've kept that promise!

It's Already Monday

Man, the weekend flew by. I don't feel as if I got much accomplished either. I went to an auction (for the first time in two years) and had a good time. I took my camera to take some pictures with, but forgot to bring it in the building where they were having the sale and it was pouring down rain and cold I had to park so far away that I never went back to get it.

I NEVER bought anything and if you all knew me, that's NOT like me AT ALL. I can usually find something to buy when no one else can. I guess in all the years that I have done the "auction scene" this is probably only the second or third one that I've never went home with something. I never even got to hold my card up and bid. My friend Jill was with me and I made the comment to her that you would have never known our country was in a recession with the prices people were paying. Things were going through the roof. I'm sure there were a few bargains to be had, but on the things I was interested in, I never even got a chance. Truthfully, I didn't need to buy anything anyway and as much inventory of stuff that I have "rat-holed" back but I always like to say I bought something....but this time I can't tell anyone that. Really though, I'm trying to cut back my spending back...that's one of my New Year's resolutions. Used to be I'd rather have "stuff" than I like to have money put away for that "rainy" day or when you aren't selling enough to pay your bills it's nice to have something to fall back on. Being self employed has it's quirks but it also has it's downfalls.

But even though I didn't get to buy anything, it was nice to get out and see everyone. I've been in the "junk" business now for over 20 years and you see the same people at all the auctions, tag sales and flea markets you go to. They all become like your "second" family and it was nice to spend the day catching up and talking about this and that. So even though I came home with no new treasures I had a good day and I'm not broke!!!!!!

I have gotten a few new things on eBay in the last week so make sure to check them out. I've been trying to stock the store with some new goodies....nothing expensive just some cute vintage linens and hankies and stuff like that. I hope to get some more on today....but anymore I never know.

I will be also listing some great quilts in the next couple of days, so just keep checking back!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

My Linen "Studio"

These pictures were taken this past fall when I got my tiny little "studio" (I hate calling it studio because it sounds so snooty) I wish I could say it was still this organized, but it's not. There are a lot of "rags" piled in the floor now waiting to get put away. I will find the "before" pictures and add later. They are on my old computer.
This building is original to our property and that's the original floors! We just sanded and re-finished them. The building was the old "wash house" and for years it was just a catch all for us and many kittens were born and raised in there. It's no where big enough to store all the linens I have but what's in here now has been sorted and organized and at least I know what's in the crates. And most of the stuff has been laundered.
My wonderful hubby added the tongue and groove walls and the ceiling is galvanized metal!! I LOVE the look of it and he put all these neat recessed lights in there.
Still need to get the windows finished (it has the original windows) but winter got it here before I could do that so that's on my springtime list along with getting the crown molding added. We are going to side it to match the house and it has a small porch on front (there is an old storm cellar underneath) but he's going to wrap the porch on around this spring or summer when he has the time. We ALWAYS have a project going on around here!!! We've lived here for 16 years and we've never gotten finished and I don't guess we ever will. But we LOVE projects!!!
The building is in our fenced in backyard so now I can work in the summer in it and can watch Will out the door. It's PERFECT!!!!!
Now if I could just get my dormer rooms, sunroom and upstairs "eBay" room this way.....Maybe someday!!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Hello! Hope everyone has had a great day. It's been a nasty cold rainy day here. A good day to sit in front of the computer and get some things listed. Once I got Will on the bus, I got busy and didn't quit til he got home. I put a bunch of vintage handkerchiefs on eBay today...make sure to check them out. I have a lot more to get going to try to put at least 30 on per month!!!! I also got some napkins and some other vintage linens on and most are a "buy it now" option. I'm "trying" hard to get my store stocked back up.
Also on my handkerchiefs if you buy FIVE I will ship for *FREE*
Better get Will to bed and ready for school tomorrow. Hope you all find something in the store to your liking.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope everyone is enjoying the New Year. I've got big plans...let's just hope I get to half of them. Seems like life is always throwing you another curve ball and you have to re-adjust. Since Christmas things have been wild around here. Will has been sick, my sister fell and broke her leg and had to have surgery and my mother is in the hospital. So it's been run, run, running and no chance to get much of anything else done. I still haven't gotten all my Christmas stuff put away yet, but that's on the list today. I went and bought a couple more plastic boxes yesterday to get the rest of the garland and light stored in.

I am planning on getting some linens ironed today and get some new things on Etsy and eBay and on my new site Picture Trail. I have to have my son at the doctor this mid-morning and then to the hospital tonight to check on my mother, but somewhere in between I hope to get some stuff done.