Good Monday morning. I always have such big plans of what I want to get accomplished for the week on Monday but lately things haven't been going "as planned' so this week, I'm taking it as it comes. No schedules...just take it as it comes. This is the last week of 2008 and I have really good intentions for 2009...let's just hope I can stick to at least a tenth of what I would like to get done. I got my tree down yesterday and most of my decorations back in the attic though I still have a few outdoor things to get in. I am going to try to do that today since the temps are going to be in the upper 50's.
I have really let my eBay and Etsy business slide the last few months. With Will starting school in August I really thought I would have so much more time to devote to work BUT it seems I got less done instead of more. Transitioning him to preschool was NOT the easiest thing I've ever done, but he's come along way since then and hopefully when school starts back next week, things will go smoothly. I've got my fingers crossed. BUT BUT BUT I'm going to start out strong in 2009 and get lots of wonderful old vintage items listed. I have so much inventory and have had so little time to do anything with it but I intend to WORK WORK WORK in 2009!!!!
Make sure to check out my store and check back often because I intend on filling it to the gills in the coming weeks!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Vintage Feather Pillows
I have been "trying" to work and get some "new" vintage stuff in my eBay store and I did get a few aprons, feedsacks and feather pillows listed this weekend. Got so much more to get on. Now, got to work on Etsy and I'm working on my Picture Trail sight
Make sure to check it out!!!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
It's Almost Christas
Good Morning from Cerulean and let me tell you it's COLD COLD COLD!!! It was six degrees when I got up this morning. Certainly feels like winter out there today. Just a few more days til Christmas and I'm still trying to get things ready here. My whole family is coming over for a meal on Christmas Eve and I've been trying to clean and do some "home projects" that should have been done a long time ago. I've just about to get all the things on my "list" done and now I got to figure out what I'm cooking! I'm not used to cooking for a lot of people and there are at least 20 coming. And to me, that's A LOT of people to cook for!! LOL
Will seems to be more interested in Christmas this year than he was last. I still don't think he understands the whole "Santa" thing, but he does know who he is now and he will say Christmas and does sing "Jingle Bells' which when I think about how far he's come from last year, it's a miracle. He was barely saying any words last Christmas and now he knows so many. He doesn't use them in sentences (some he tries) but he can identify so much now ...and though we are still far from where we should be, the progress he's made so far is remarkable. He's been sick the past week and yesterday seemed to finally be feeling like himself again.
It's so hard to buy him presents since he doesn't play with toys like most kids but I have bought him a hodge-podge of things that I think he will like and a few that I'm sure he won't get just yet, but he's picking up on so much now, I don't think it will be long before he does. He loves my digital camera so much that I bought him a Fisher Price digital one...hopefully he will learn to use that and that will be somthing we can have fun with together. It's hard to find "age appropriate" toys for children on the autism spectrum. Most of the toys for 3 and up are not something he would be interested we have to think outside the box for a lot of his gifts.